
  • 2025
  • Waterloo S.C. charity Casino. Feb. 15. Contact Noble Don McNichol
  • March 22, Wing night Social 5 PM, wings at 6. (unit dress) Masons and their ladies welcome
  • April 5, Putting on Water Buffalo degree for Muskoka Shrine club. Bracebridge (cast members, remember to bring your costumes)
  • April 26, 9:00 AM till ? Arbour day. Bring the tools for the job you want to do. Ladies invited to join in the fun. There is something for every skill level to be done.
  • Water Buffalo degree, May 3. Location: Cambridge Shrine club, 1149 Cheese Factory Rd. Cambridge. Times: Registration, 12 noon, Lunch 1:00 PM, Degree 2:00 PM. Open to Shriners, Masons, and their ladies.(water buffalo caps and shirts for current members. Candidates, come casual. Shrine, and Masonic shirts are OK)
  • May 24, Fish fry. Social, 5 PM, fish at 6 (unit dress for Shriners) Masons and their ladies welcome.
  • Mocha spring ceremonial. May 31. Mocha Shrine Centre.(upper banquet hall) Get your candidates lined up. (unit dress and fez)
  • Shrine awareness day, June 6. Wear something Shrine.
  • June 21, Pasta night. Social 5 PM, supper at 6 (unit dress for members, casual attire for guests) Masons and their ladies welcome.
  • July 1. Canada day parade & BBQ. BBQ follows the parade. All Shrine units welcome. Masons more than welcome to come and join in. Bring your ladies.
  • July 16. Family BBQ. Masons and their ladies & kids invited. social, 5 PM BBQ at 6. (unit dress for Shriners.)
  • August 20, Steak & corn BBQ. Social at 5 PM, steak at 6. Ladies and family members welcome.
  • September 20 Beef brisket. Social 5 PM, supper at 6. (casual Shrine) Masons and ladies welcome
  • October 15. Club officer elections.
  • October 25, Wing night. Social 5 PM, wing sat 6. Masons and their ladies welcome.
  • November 22, Ladies night ( jacket and tie, no fez required)
  • 2026
  • June 6, Shrine awareness day. Wear something Shrine.
  • *Notes
  • Meetings are the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM with the exception of July and August. Directors meetings are the first Wednesday of each month.
  • 2025 contact for event tickets is Noble Bill Fowler, contact via our club email.. (all events are advance sales)
  • *Note: Unit dress is a club shirt and/or jacket. All general meetings are unit dress & fez. Special events such as Ceremonials and installation require a fez.
  • Events flyers can be found on our Facebook group page, and Instagram page. Please join our Facebook group and our Instagram page to be in the loop.
  • Masons along with their ladies are welcomed to join us at our social events. At our fish fries, wing nights, and BBQ’s, your kids are welcome as well. We are a family oriented club.
  • A third degree Mason can attend any of our general meetings to check out what the Shrine is all about. You only need to bring a smile, and a good attitude.